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Want to be a more self-assured young person in the workplace?


Corodo’s origins, as many already know, lie with a mission in sport. After all, our story began with training basketball players so they would perform better as a team. We started with the individual, as we do to this day, in order to lay a powerful foundation for improving the collective.

However, as time passed, we personally felt we had plateaued. That it was not always enough just to hone technical skills to perfection, but that EI or emotional intelligence and self-awareness also played a significant role. For example, who are you, what point have you reached in life and what’s your approach to it? Do you have empathy, are you socially aware, how is your self-control, etc.?

This vision soon extended to the business sector. Because the more we also engaged with entrepreneurs, the more our mission at Corodo deepened almost automatically. Indeed, numerous young people come to us today who are initially focused on sport, but who end up using sport as a tool to become more self-assured in the workplace as well.

All this has a lot to do with the way we teach; with our philosophy, our values and with the transparent, encouraging way we approach people. Because while young people often reject their strengths and norms, we give them the confidence to express them with vigour and to develop them.

After all, when you’re young, can you cite your strengths not with arrogance, but with awareness, and build on them? If so, you will undoubtedly be able not only to accept feedback better, but also use it for personal growth and to improve results. Which in turn creates a better rhythm in the workplace (link to the blog about rhythm). And that’s what high performance is really about, regardless of your age.

By training young people in this way, at Corodo we aim to make a contribution to the well-being of workers in 2023 and beyond. Our mission To gradually reduce the number of burnouts, and that starts with the younger generation. In fact we often hear that when young people come to us for training, their school results steadily improve and they take much more responsibility. And for that, hats off to them!

Would you like to discover more about how we get the best out of entrepreneurs, athletes and ambitious young people? Be sure to read our blog or contact us without any obligation for more info. You are always welcome at Corodo.