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Set your own rhythm according to these five principles

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At Corodo, we specialise in achieving a high-performance culture for both entrepreneurs and athletes. We do this with individual and team coaching sessions, as well as the ‘From basketball to the workplace’ workshop, about which you can find more info here. Among other things, we work on establishing your own rhythm so that you also positively influence the rhythm of the team. And today, we briefly explain five building blocks.

  1. Body language is key

    For better or for worse, no one can deny that your body language radiates incredible energy. Are you aware of how you enter a room? Of how you engage with your team members every day or of how you sit at the computer?

    Adopting a positive, open body posture is crucial for encouraging communication with your team, and is something you have control over. You bear sole responsibility for how you present yourself every day, and even the smallest details make a difference. Your intonation, your clothes, your look, etc.

    If you make a deal with yourself to constantly devote attention to this aspect, you will create a positive rhythm for yourself and your team. And believe us: it will pay off!

  2. Connect with your team

    If there is no human, genuine connection between you and your employees, there are challenges you will unfortunately never overcome as a team. After all, you lack the key ingredients to accelerate together and really get into the flow. To mutually inspire and encourage each other. This not only affects your rhythm in the workplace, but also your level of control on certain projects: two things that cannot exist without each other.

  3. Dare to make yourself vulnerable

    You can only help someone who wants to be helped. If you block any kind of support in your team and want to do everything on your own, you also block the opportunity to broaden your vision and the chance of successfully completing your projects.

    So, dare to be open, dare to ask for help and, above all, if things aren’t going so well, dare to say so. As a result, you won’t waste time working against the rhythm, but will make the most of every situation. And THAT is high performance teamwork.

  4. Communicate openly and transparently

    In line with the above, there’s nothing as essential in a team as clear, open and transparent communication. If you explain how you feel in a proper and humane way, you will create clarity not only for your team but also for yourself. You create a clear-cut view of things for yourself, as well as a safe environment in which you have no secrets from each other.

  5. Always keep it light-hearted

    At Corodo, we stress the importance of light-heartedness in all our coaching sessions. After all, rhythm means finding a balance. Of the harmony between strength and vulnerability, between depth and lightness, being strict and playful, etc. Creating a high-performance culture, on the sports field or in the workplace, is never monotonous but goes steadily up and down. So in your pursuit of better results, never lose your spontaneity, to ensure a balanced team spirit.

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