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Want to achieve high-performance results? Take a look at your rhythm


A high-performance culture doesn’t just materialise in your company. A lot of pieces of the puzzle need to fall into place before everything starts to take off, and that requires time. One of the most important steps we teach you at Corodo as an entrepreneur is to establish your own rhythm. What does rhythm have to do with your business? We are happy to explain our vision.

We readily admit it – the word rhythm isn’t that easy to grasp. When we think of rhythm, we mainly think of an action that happens instinctively. Almost based on a certain security, a routine and an automatism.

In basketball, the word rhythm is crucial. Before, during and even after the match. After all, when a player gets into his rhythm, he is able to train and play to the best of his ability. And to score. It’s no different in the workplace.

Both on the court and in the workplace, we assume that your body enters its ‘work mode’ after enough routine actions. When you are in this mode, you act from a place where you no longer judge things – not yourself or your performance.

At Corodo we call this getting into the flow. Your body works without inhibition, without any margin for uncertainty, doubt or even a second of slight hesitation. You no longer think, but feel and hear. Your mindset shifts to the subconscious, and that is precisely where your strength lies.

By consciously switching off the analytical for a moment and acting based on our subconscious, we don’t give doubt and uncertainty a chance to strike and thus sow negativity during our efforts. No, all you are doing is perfectly maintaining that movement you practised, with your eyes on the target.

Whether that target is the hoop on the court or that one important project in the workplace, by learning to recognise and maintain your own rhythm, you give yourself the best chance of achieving your ambitions. As a result there will be no interference with your connection, and you will maximise your potential. As an athlete or as an entrepreneur, as a business manager or as a team member.

That’s right: keep your eye on the prize and pay more attention to your unique rhythm. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results!

Would you like to know more about our coaching sessions or have an introductory meeting without any obligation? Take a look at our blog or contact us and we’ll be happy to provide you with more info.