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From basketball to the workplace: the concept


In a previous blog, you read more about our ‘From basketball to the workplace’ workshop and what the SMEs who already participated in it, thought about it. Today, we give you a sneak preview and tell you more about the principles behind the concept: why should you participate in this session with your team?

As a business manager or leader, it is essential that you know how to effortlessly manage your team’s rhythm. Not an easy task for sure, especially when you’re all striving for a high-performance corporate culture. Yet the key to success is in anything but tactical and strategic considerations, as you might initially think.

But how can you ensure that every player in your workplace achieves their full potential? Being in the flow, and if he is not, gradually finding it? How do you guarantee that everyone passes the ball successfully to each other at the moment of truth, so that a score is the result of a team effort?

The answer is simple: take a high-level basketball game. If you watch the highlights and analyse them, a few elements will soon stand out. Decisions taken in a fraction of a second, for example, or the continuous rhythm with which players constantly move around the court.

Want to determine the rhythm of the game?
You must first learn to feel, hear and see your own rhythm. This also applies in the workplace.

It is clear that on the basketball court, constant attention is paid to giving as well as picking up even the slightest communication signals. To indicate who is free, who needs support, who is completely in his element, the direction we are heading in together, and so on, and it’s no different in the workplace.

Yet this is only possible if there is a good foundation. In fact, one depends on the other. If you want to execute a good pass, you have to be 100% sure that your partner is there to catch it. This requires blind trust, and that is only possible in a safe environment. In turn, that safe environment can only be created if all the team members act transparently. And so the vicious circle continues.

So let’s examine it in concrete terms: how do you, as a leader, unleash the talent of your team members and ensure that they positively challenge each other and grow together? You do that by handling feedback correctly, both in giving and receiving it, both at predictable times and in the heat of the moment. Good feedback, it’s an elite sport!

Do you want to fine-tune the moments you deal with feedback with your team, so that everyone makes the most of their abilities in the workplace? Be sure to take a look at our other blog posts or contact us without any obligation. We’ll be happy to provide you with more info!