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What are the basic characteristics of self-leadership?


As an entrepreneur in heart and soul, you have to be many things, against all the odds. One of them is undoubtedly being a powerful leader. Which is not straightforward, as strong and fair leadership is something you don’t just learn in a textbook or on the Internet. At Corodo, we specialise in coaching entrepreneurs and athletes to adopt a high-performance culture, invariably starting with self-leadership.

We usually think of self-leadership as the art of giving yourself direction, then positively influencing others (such as the people around you, your partners or your team) with decisive leadership. Much of this depends on self-discipline, and creating a routine that works for you. But where do you start? We will of course provide more detail on this topic in our one-to-one or team coaching sessions, but today we reveal three tips.

  1. Learn the significance of your own rhythm
    How do you get into the flow? What energises you and motivates you to give your best, in the workplace and as a leader? By focusing on this and purposefully getting into a rhythm, you cast off any doubt and uncertainty and enable yourself to give an optimal performance, without thinking about it, based on a routine. This is all about body language, how you connect with your team members, how vulnerable you appear and how you communicate to others. Want to learn more? Be sure to read this and this blog.

  2. What is the difference between good and gold?
    The difference between good and gold is precisely what you focus on. If you waste time and energy (and time is money) on things beyond your control, you won’t accomplish much. Instead, speak in terms of solutions and not problems, and you will soon find that it will allow you to move mountains. Pass this on to your team and you will be unstoppable.

  3. Always uphold your personal values
    What do you stand for as an entrepreneur? And what do you stand for as a human being, outside your business? Although many leaders may consider these matters insignificant, they actually hold the key to successful leadership. If you become aware of what your personal values are, you will be on the right track to act accordingly on a daily basis and effortlessly extend them to your team. So that you think and act together as one.

Want to know more about how we help you on your way to powerful self-leadership followed by leadership? Read more on our blog or contact us without any obligation. We’d be happy to explain our coaching sessions in more detail.